Example Reports

Free Reports from Acumen.Ag help you understand your operation.

Break-even report

The Yield or Break Even Report shows you where you are hitting the highest yields and where you are not doing so well.  Variety located crops are tracked in the top right on a per acre basis.  A quick glance at the left column gives you the break even price per acre so you know what you need to make ends meet.  A table below that shows what your price per bushel needs to be to make $25, 50, 75, or 100.  The bottom shows the default input costs based on averaged university data for expenses associated with growing a crop.  Your actual costs may differ…to edit these values, visit Acumen.ag and register.

profitability report

The Profitability Report gives a quick look at how the field is performing financially with areas of black being highly profitable and areas of red losing money.  Varieties are tracked in the top right with ROI by acre.  These values are the same default input costs as the other reports.  Your actual costs may differ…to edit these values, visit Acumen.ag and register.  

ear weight report

The Ear Weight Report shows the distribution of your ear weights based on an assumed seeding rate.  It also gives a quick glance at what your potential seed savings could be using a seeding optimization vs a flat rate.  Your actual seeding rate may differ…to edit these values, visit Acumen.ag and register.

seeding Rate report

The Seeding Rate Report shows the distribution of your potential seeding rate based on an assumed flat seeding rate.  It also gives a quick glance at what your potential seed savings could be using a seeding optimization vs a flat rate.  Your actual seeding rate and associated costs may differ…to edit these values, visit Acumen.ag and register.